A Pastor


Who is a Pastor? 
What is his work self?
Is there even a need for a Pastor?

May you be blessed as you listen to a undiluted message from a servant of God.

This teaching am bringing to was taken by one of my Pastor. He said "He has seen that so many of us did not know how to relate with our Pastors.
As we move on in life and ministry, it is important that we learn these things because it will profit us.
On the other hand, these things are not taught in churches and because of that, we are ignorant of it.

Ephesians 4:11-13
"So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ".

Literally, a pastor means....a helper or feeder of the sheep.

This is the literal meaning until after the church began, then it means a minister or overseer appointed over a congregation.

Jeremiah 3:15
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding".

 This is God speaking to His children. There is one thing attached to a Pastoral ministry.....it is FEEDING.
I mean that, a person who would be an effective pastor would also be a good TEACHER of God's word.

Back to Ephesians 4:11-13, the Scripture is giving us some offices or designation in the Church.

Remember, Christ is the head of the Church. The Church is His body...The Church is also His bride.

Let me quickly point out here that the word Church does not refer to buildings. There is difference between church buildings and Church. 
Church buildings can be closed but the Church cannot.

The building is a place where we meet.
Please get this.... EVERY BELIEVER IS A CHURCH.
We are the Church... The Believers.
Hence, the building is where THE CHURCH meets.
Please.....don't be confused.

As a matter of fact, we can meet anywhere and God's presence will be there. It could be under a tree, in a house, in classroom etc.

Priority should be given to the Church (believers) and not the buildings. The older generation cared more about the people and not the place of worship.

While it is good to take care of our place of worship and beautify it to the glory of God, emphasis should not be on it at the expense of the lives  of the people.
NT: There are so many beautiful buildings with ugly Church.

We beautify the buildings but leave the Church stranded. We depend on the building but we cannot spend on the Church.

Let's leave that aside anyway..
So, we have established that believers are the Church.

The word Church is derived from the word Ecclessia which means the called out ones.
Those of us that have been called out from darkness to light.

I say again, Church has not been used to refer to building but to refer to PEOPLE.

Ephesians 4:11-13
"So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and the teachers, to equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ".

So, Christ Himself who is the head and husband of the Church gave the following offices;

👉 The Apostles
👉 The Prophets
👉 The Evangelists
👉 The Pastors
👉 The Teachers

From the above text, we see that the teaching ministry is attached to the Pastoral ministry. They are almost inseparable.
There's difference between an Administrator and a Pastor. A person can be a good Church Administrator and yet a bad Pastor.

What is the purpose of these offices that Christ gave the Church?
To equip His people for works of service.

What is the goal?

👉 So that the body of Christ (Church) may be BUILT.
👉 So that we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God.
👉 So that we become mature.
👉 So that we attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

The Apostles are mainly supposed to be the Church planters. They go to a territory, conquer gods and territorial demons and establish a Church. An Apostle is not meant to stay in a particular place.

Prophets are those whop by the Spirit of God give prophetic instructions. They are called...the Foretell.

Let me say.. An Apostle have a touch of all other offices. There's a Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher in an Apostle.
All these young brothers in our schools calling themselves Apostles..They don't know what they are in for.

The Evangelist are basically those who go out (from the Church) to the lost souls.

The Pastors and Teachers are mainly the ministers to teach God's word. The Pastor is the minister appointed over a congregation to feed the lamb. So, the Pastor is the shepherd under the chief shepherd.

Matthew 9:36
"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them because, they fainted and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.

It is a very dangerous thing to have sheep without shepherd. Jesus was moved with compassion. Jesus is the great and chief shepherd. Pastors and the shepherd under the chief shepherd.

A Pastor is not an intermediary between you and God.
A Pastor is not means through which you get to God. 

God does not want a grand children. God wants a father to child relationship.
God is the father you are the child.

Jesus is the only way to God. There's no other human way, Christ is the way and only way.

There are many grandchildren of  God today. They access God through their Pastors which is wrong. God wants to have a personal relationship with you. So, all those that will not pray for themselves and will be depending on their pastor praying for them... You are doing yourself. That's why we have many Papa said in this generation than God said.

Yes.. God shows your pastors vision and revelations... He want to show you too.

All those that will be paying one prophet to fast for them... You are doing yourself. That is herbalism in Christianity.

What is the difference between going to an herbalist with buying cock and goat and going to your prophet with money?

Please understand me.. I am not saying it is bad to be a blessing to your pastor. We are coming to that....
But when you pay a prophet to pray and fast for you... Ah, you are doing yourself. Your pastor is not a machine that you should be using. He is someone that should be a blessing to you.

Next to NOTE:

A Pastor is a Leader..

  •  He leads the people in the right direction. He knows where God is going and is leading people towards that direction.
  • He is not someone who should come and display his affluence, rather... He should serve God in humility... Seeing his members with the eyes of the Spirit.
Now, as a member..
  • You should be obedient to your pastor.
  • You should be ready to follow the leading of your pastor.
  • We must learn how to relate well with our pastors to get the best from/of them.
Since Christ is the one giving them to us, we will be wise if we know how to relate with them.

How do you relate with your pastors?

1. Don't treat them as God or semi-God. He is a human being!
Your pastor is a human being like you. He is a man. He is only privileged to be called by God unto that office.

Hence, you need to understand he is a human being. Yes, he is anointed, he carries grace but he is also a human being.
👉 Don't seduce him....never wear skimpy dresses to your Pastor's place and say....(it's because he is a pastor).
👉 He has feelings, he can be happy, can get angry and can smile. Don't treat him as though he has no feelings. He is a human being like you.

2. Respect and Honour Christ in your Pastor.
Respect your pastor as a person. Also, honour Christ in him. Ig you disrespect your pastor, you are doing yourself.

3. Don't be far from your pastor.

Your pastor is given to you for guidance and support. Therefore, you should not be far from him. Some of you are very far from your pastors. Some of you have never called your pastors for once this year.
You should be close to your pastor, have access to him and have his contact. Call him.. Text him... Chat him...
Don't run away from your pastor.

There are some people, once they discover you are a pastor, they don't want to have anything to do with you... Are you possessed? 
The way it is designed, you are supposed to have access to your pastor. If you have not been calling your pastor, change and begin to call him at least once in a while.
That mentality of waiting for your pastor to call you is wrong. It is an entitlement mentality. (We will still talk about entitlement mentality as God gives us the grace).

4. Pray for your Pastor

Your pastor has so many burdens, a pastor is a burden bearer. He carries a lot of people's burden. Many pastors fail in life and ministry because there are no people praying for them.
When you pray for your pastor, you are close to him in the Spirit. It's easy for you to access some certain dimensions of God's grace on him.

5. Serve your Pastor

Help your pastor out in some little things. Render service to God through him.

6. Give to your Pastor

You should be a blessing to your pastor even as he is a blessing to you. A relationship where only one person is contributing is not a relationship. If your pastor has been a blessing to you, you are expected to be a blessing to him too.
Not just about a pastor to member relationship now. Any relationship you're in... whether friends or whatever... you should also contribute to the relationship. 

Don't tell me you don't have anything to give. or that you're waiting for a time when you can buy a car and give to your pastor 😃.
In this generation, we find excuses for our stinginess. In your fellowship in school, in the churches you attend... it does not cost you much to be a blessing to your pastor.

If your pastor has children, little children for instance, some of their shoes are below #500. You can buy it.
You can buy biscuit for the children.
You can send him recharge card.
You can send money to his account.
You can buy him things that won't even cost you too much.
NT: What is important is the heart and not the gift.

There is something about prayer, honour, service, giving etc...to your pastor. It opens you up to access some dimension of God's grace upon him. 
BEWARE! Pastors don't like preaching this because they are afraid their members will think they are requesting for money.
But that has kept us ignorance. Whether they think that way or not... that should not stop us from saying the truth.

7. Talk to your Pastor.

That's is why your pastor is there. If you have challenges, talk to him and let him pray with you. Don't die in silence.
Be free to discuss issues of concern with your pastor. He should by God's Spirit give you counsel and instructions.
He should be there to guide you. He is a shoulder to lean on. And instead of talking to your friends that will mislead you, talk to your pastor. 

Another important things is this... Do you have suggestions on how to move the "church" forward? Talk to your pastor. 
Remember, I said talk to your Pastor, I didn't say talk about him. Don't gossip about him, don't backbite... for if you do so, you are doing yourself.
Don't be part of the people who will be carrying bad rumours about their pastor.

All these things will be difficult if don't love your pastor. Love him with God's genuine and pure love.

Please make good use of those things I have given you and read more on how to relate with your Pastor. 

Have a great day people of God.

I Love You.

© Pastor Richard Akogun.


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